FlashCam - easiest way to add live flash video stream from home or office webcam on the website
Released on = September 25, 2006, 11:23 pm
Press Release Author = Soft Service Ltd
Industry = Software
Press Release Summary = The easiest way to add live flash webcam video on your website.
Press Release Body = FlashCam is a desktop application that can be used for: 1) Remote surveillance over the Internet 2) Webcam broadcasting directly from Home or Office 3) For parents to keep and eye on their kids at home 4) To control remotely what happens in office using webcam 5) For live webcam presentations over the Internet to one or more visitors located at any part of the World.
FlashCam has following benefits in compare to other applications with similar usage: 1) It has Macromedia Flash based Video client - loads fast and running on a different system platforms including: Windows, Linux, and Mac OSX 2) Video, Audio and text chat options. Text chat is 2-way and Audio/Video goes one way from FlashCam application to all client connected to it 3) FlashCam can handle multiple clients and you can establish video conferencing with friends or business partners. 4) FlashCam uses latest video/audio encoding and transfer algorithms. Video is based on MPEG-4 encoding with H.263/H.264 data transfer. 5) You can run the same quality of video and don't need any server side application. FlashCam has everything built-in to do webcam conferencing. You always check what happens at your home or office using direct connection to IP address. 6) It saves Bandwidth! While your FlashCam is running at home and you don't watch it as client it does not use your bandwidth. 7) If your home has temporary problems with internet, after restore of internet connection you can get back to watch camera and it will work without problems. 8) It is easy to integrate your webcam with website and allow your visitors to watch perfect places or your fiends to talk with you and see you. 9) You can put your webcam on website into secure area and allow access only to subscribed members. You can establish consulting services or do live filming using this program for subscribed members. 10) It has affordable price, one time $39.95 fee - no recurring payments!
Web Site = http://www.softservice.org/products_flashcam.html
Contact Details = Address: Demakova 30/1, Novosibirsk Russian Federation
Phone Number: (+7) 383-335-6402 Email: dmitry@softservice.org
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